The Croatian security-intelligence system in today's form was defined in 2006 by adoption of the Act on the Security-Intelligence System of the Republic of Croatia.
There are two security-intelligence agencies in Croatia:
Their task is to collect, analyze, process and assess information significant for national security, i.e. information necessary for making decisions relevant for protection of national interests.
The work of security intelligence agencies is guided by the Croatian president and the Government through the National Security Council (VNS).
Among other tasks, the National Security Council also performs the following:
examines matters relevant for national security and adopts guidelines and conclusions,
examines matters from the scope of work of SOA and VSOA and authorizes their cooperation with counterpart services,
defines Annual Guidelines for the Work of Security-Intelligence Agencies,
defines measures to be undertaken following the results of oversight over SOA and VSOA,
proposes resources required for the functioning of SOA and VSOA.
The National Security Council is composed of:
The President of Croatia,
The Prime Minister of Croatia,
Member of the Government responsible for national security,
Ministers of defense, internal affairs, foreign and European affairs and justice,
Directors of SOA and VSOA,
National Security Advisor to the President,
The Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff,
The Head of the UVNS
The Speaker of Croatian Parliament also takes part in the work of the VNS.
Along with VNS, an important role in the Croatian security-intelligence system belongs to the Council for Coordination of Security Intelligence Agencies (the Council). The Council provides operational coordination of the work of security-intelligence agencies.
The Council is also responsible for the following:
Implementing the decisions of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister on directing SOA's and VSOA's work,
Elaborating the decisions of the VNS regarding the work of the security intelligence system,
Operationally coordinating the work of state bodies of the security-intelligence system,
Submitting proposals to the VNS.
Council for the Coordination of Security Intelligence Agencies is composed of:
Member of the Government responsible for national security (Chairman),
The National Security Advisor to the President of the Republic (Deputy Chairman),
Directors of SOA and VSOA
The Head of the UVNS.
The Office of the National Security Council (UVNS) performs expert and administrative tasks for the National Security Council and the Council for the Coordination of Security Intelligence Agencies. UVNS performs functions that enable the National Security Council to evaluate the work and conduct oversight over the security-intelligence agencies.
The Information Systems Security Bureau (ZSIS) performs tasks in technical areas concerning information systems and network security in state bodies.
The Operational-Technical Centre for Telecommunications Surveillance (OTC) activates and manages the measures of covert surveillance of telecommunication services, activity and transmissions. In other words, OTC is a state body which on SOA's request or on request from other legally authorized state bodies, and with authorized warrant of the Supreme Court, activates the measure of telecommunications interception.

Organizational chart of the Croatian security-intelligence system